The First-Year Principal
52 Practical Lessons to Help New Principals
Thrive as Conscious Leaders

Daphne Wallbridge's First-Year Principal is a comprehensive and accessible guide for school principals embarking on their administrative careers. The author addresses the "First Year" challenges directly, imparting her experience and referencing helpful resources. The First-Year Principal is organized into 52 weekly lessons that make up that crucial first year, and the challenges that will follow in the years to come. This book is the go-to resource for new and aspiring principals and leaders in education.
Step Up, Step Out
A Girl's Guide to Empowerment, Self-Leadership, and Success
Step Up and Step Out: A Girl’s Guide to Empowerment, Leadership, and Success offers relevant and practical professional lessons for today’s working women―whether finishing college or already pursuing a career. Inspired by 5 years of research, this book is a compellation of tried and true best practices aimed at empowering women in the workforce as they strive to live full professional and personal lives. At the end of each lesson, the reader is provided with Step Up Doables, hands-on activities to concretize each lesson. These are practical and realistic actions each woman can take to further enhance her reading experience.