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Friday Finds #1

Welcome to this first issue of Friday Finds! I was inspired to write a weekly post on my favorite finds of the week because this would allow me to document the lessons and resources that resonated with me over the last seven days. It's like my online journal of favorite practices that I want to share with my community!

I also thought this would be a perfect way to practice my new mantra - read widely, share generously, to quote Steve Clayton of Microsoft. So this new series will now be part of my blog offerings!

So without further ado, here are this week’s Friday Finds!

  • I’m listening to Leadership In Turbulent Times by Doris Kearns Goodwin on Audible. This work is an exceptional piece of historical literature. In this work, Kearns Goodwin documents four incredible US presidents; Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin D Roosevelt, and Lyndon B. Johnson. One passage struck me. It related to Teddy Roosevelt and how he focused all of his energy on the task at hand, being in the present moment and not getting ahead of himself - something I often struggle with!

“If a person focused too much on the future that could not be controlled, he would become, Roosevelt, acknowledged, too “careful, calculating, cautious in word and act.” He went on to observe… “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” - Leadership In Turbulent Times

  • I found this post on LinkedIn this week. It is simple yet powerful and a great reminder to stay in our lane and forget what the critics think of us - because it is none of our business!

  • I'm always looking for innovative ways to engage with my principals and offer fun ways of presenting content. As you know, it's essential to pivot towards action-based meetings where teachers enjoy professional development instead of consuming housekeeping items. Why waste this precious time we have together, right? In light of this, why not introduce this fun "take-out" approach?

I found this idea on social media (Twitter) - so many great ideas to curate! I thought this "grab-and-go" style of meeting could be valuable for those seeking ways of helping teachers find time to collaborate - go over students' work deeply, co-plan a teaching unit, etc. There are many ways principals can leverage this resource; there really is no limit!

I read a great article by Jennifer Aaker from Stanford on storytelling. At one point, she explained the importance of identifying where you currently are in your personal life story and charting out possible actions to take yourself to the next level of personal and professional growth. Seeing as the role of an educational leader entails going inward. So, I thought this was a great activity to try out. So, I created this growth timeline for you; download your copy to try out this exercise.

Over to you!

Which one of these Friday Finds resonated most with you and why? Please feel free to post a comment to keep the conversation going!

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