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You know that nagging little voice in your head that keeps your light dim and your voice small?

Today, I’m going to address this inner voice and teach you how to stop the negative mental looping which causes us to play small.

In other words, I’ll walk you through three strategies designed to help you take back control of the reigns and teach your ego just who’s in charge!

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Do you know how to set yourself up for success?

I just LOVE this expression and I use it all the time. It signals to me that I’m in control of my environment and my thoughts and as a result, allows me to shine my brightest light as an educational leader.

In today’s talk, I’ll walk you through three ways you can flourish as a first-year principal notwithstanding our current reality.

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How are you doing so far?

If you’re like most new principals, you may be finding it challenging to manage your stress given the challenges we’re facing. In today’s talk, I’ll teach you three strategies to help you take back control so you can take care of your emotional needs.

This is an important lesson because it teaches you how to fill your cup so you can be of service to others!

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