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Great! You have a mentor! Now what?

How are you going to take action and be proactive?

Well, the first place to start is with a meeting! And during that meeting, you won’t want to wast a minute! In today’s talk, I’ll present three important questions to help you get the ball rolling during this initial meeting with your mentor. These questions will help you align your first actions accordingly and ensure you hit the ground running from day one!

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Being a servant leader is a 12-month job! Today, I felt an inner void... normally called the summer blues this time of year. I realized I missed my students and I missed connecting with them. So I decided to do THIS!

For more AWESOME FYP resources, make sure to enroll in the FYP Classroom!

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Earlier this week we talked about the first reason certain first-year principals have a difficult time transitioning in their new role (lack of perspective).

Today, we're deconstructing the second reason certain FYP fail during their initial weeks. The problem? The new principal lacks certain key skills to adapt to the new role.

But the good news is, there's something you can do about it! In today's talk, I'll unpack this process.

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