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Educate Your People - Don’t let a good lesson go to waste.

Take every opportunity to educate about your process. People are watching you and looking for guidance. Educate them every chance you get. This is another way you are building collective efficacy in your school. Check out this short video to learn more about my process.

Looking for a great read to support you on your leadership journey? You can get a copy of my latest book (the one mentioned in this video) by visiting Amazon!

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Triggers! Here’s an important question to ask yourself - “What does my reaction say about ME?” As a school leader, it is CRITICAL to go inward every day and every moment to deeply dive into your emotions to fully understand why you are reacting a certain way. Triggers are personal; everyone responds differently to situations. To learn more, check out today’s video!

If this message resonates with you and you want more support starting your principalship, visit Daphne's Classroom! You’ll find free resources, and self-paced online courses to help you grow and flourish as a new school leader.

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The Lighthouse Keeper's story is a great reminder to set the proper boundaries in your life to protect your energy. But, just like the lighthouse keeper mentioned in this story, principals, too, need to keep something in reserve to be of service to their staff, students, and community - not to mention their loved ones! Let's kick off this school year on the right foot!

Please share ONE action you will take to protect your energy this coming school year.

Also, if you're looking for more teachings like this one and are a new or aspiring principal, make sure to visit Daphne's Classroom to access on-demand professional development courses.

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