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As a school leader, you need to have the systems and routines to clear your head at the end of the day to refuel and be fully present for your loved ones.

This is a non-negotiable if you’re going to survive this professional marathon.

In this short video, I offer a powerful practice to help you transition from work to home while tending to your overall well-being.

Need more support? Check out our course offerings by visiting Daphne's Classroom for self-paced courses designed to level up your leadership!

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Many thoughts are running through your mind as you prepare to lead a new school. Will the staff like me? What do they know about me? How will I get to know my team? Should I move forward with initiatives right away or hold back? So many questions, and so much confusion!

Check out today’s video to get clear on how to tackle this dilemma.

If you're looking for more resources, make sure to visit the Online Leadership Academy for Educational Leaders (OLAEL) to access on-demand professional training.

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We all have them on our staff - negative, annoying members who only complain and see the glass half empty. But… what if we changed the lens? Why are these teachers frustrated for a reason? A good reason? Check out what I have to say about this and how you might be able to alchemize this negative energy to create something incredible! Check out what I have to say about that!

If you are a new principal looking for resources to support your leadership journey, visit Daphne's Classroom! There’s something for everyone!

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