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If you want to build efficacy within your school, start sharing the leadership! This practice is one way teachers can feel expansive and creative as they lead specific initiatives. Moreover, allowing them to share in the leadership will liberate more time for you to address issues that need your attention. Lastly, this practice will also contribute to teachers’ well-being since they will feel a greater sense of felt-accountability for the greater good of the school.

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When preparing for an interview or when you are in full flight as a principal, it’s critical never to stray away from the mission. This mission is the glue that will help you and your team move forward together and weather the ups and downs, grow, innovate, and flourish!

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The most powerful habit to adopt as a principal is to embrace the process of iteration. Agility is the game's name when it comes to planning and performing, which translates to taking a step back when necessary to evaluate and, if necessary, adjust so you and your team can course correct. It's a powerful mindset to adopt early on in your career as a school leader and one that will ensure ongoing success and personal growth!

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