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The practice of going inward and reflecting is one of the five core elements in developing self-efficacy. This week, I’ll unpack what that means while sending you off with a reflection exercise to help you get the process started.

Reflection questions:

How do you want to move forward during your first month? Use the following prompts to help guide your reflection. Be as specific as possible.

  • How will you show up for your staff? Offer ONE concrete action.

  • Identify ONE practice you will put in place to promote instructional leadership.

  • How do you plan on embodying your core values? List 2 to 3 steps you will take during your first four weeks on the job and why these are important to you.

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Introduction to Design Thinking!

I am passionate about Design Thinking, and this week, I want to share a couple of resources to inspire you to explore this incredible process!

Last spring, I completed a certification program with Stanford (the founding and leading institution of Design Thinking) and discovered a plethora of incredible resources! The one tool I want to share with you is a free Field Guide (197 pages!) that offers a step-by-step approach to Design Thinking.

This e-book will walk you through IDEO's design process and leave you feeling with a sense of endless possibilities for your school's upcoming initiatives and endeavours.

I had to share this video!

Again, inspired by Design Thinking and the power of story...

Are you a Chrome user? If not, then this 30-sec video will convert you! Talk about an incredible way to pull at the heartstrings through this genius marketing coup!

p.s. Try not to feel guilty you haven't thought of it either! ;-)

I LOVE this quote

This quote represents the urgency we should all feel to live in the moment. To

appreciate the ones in our lives. To give entirely of ourselves. To be present. To live with grace and agility.

As we approach the end of another school year, I wanted to offer these words of wisdom to you, hoping that they will inspire you to enjoy the now.

Words to ponder

What comes up for you as you read this quote? Please leave your thoughts in the comments below!

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Many school leaders struggle to figure out when to move forward or hold back. On the one hand, they want to drive change, but on the other hand, they also need to gauge their staff’s temperature to change. Sometimes things flow beautifully, and the process can be incredibly challenging. In this week’s coaching, I offer some tips on navigating this ongoing struggle.

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